Operations and Resources

Zoom Telephonic

Click Here to View Agenda:   Join Zoom Meeting: https://glwater.zoom.us/j/86435501604?pwd=dVEzallpWHY0aVhXT3FMZ293RUFXZz09 Meeting ID: 864 3550 1604 Passcode: 428252   Join by Phone: 877 853 5247 US Toll-free 888 788 0099 US Toll-free Meeting ID: 864 3550 1604 Passcode: 428252

Board of Directors Workshop

Zoom Telephonic

Click Here to View Agenda:   Join Zoom Meeting: https://glwater.zoom.us/j/84885796357?pwd=NnFMSGVVdHo1UVdUWG9oRTMwZTlQQT09 Meeting ID: 848 8579 6357 Passcode: 531957   Join by Phone: 888 788 0099 US Toll-free 877 853 5247 US Toll-free Meeting ID: 848 8579 6357 Passcode: 531957  

Audit Committee

Zoom Telephonic

Click Here to View Agenda:   Join Zoom Meeting: https://glwater.zoom.us/j/81860504628?pwd=U0J4cXlUL3Uzam9aMjRZT3R3N1dLZz09 Meeting ID: 818 6050 4628 Passcode: 040363   Join by Phone: 877 853 5247 US Toll-free 888 788 0099 US Toll-free Meeting ID: 818 6050 4628 Passcode: 040363

Legal Committee

Zoom Telephonic

Click Here to View Agenda:   Join Zoom Meeting: https://glwater.zoom.us/j/86057784183?pwd=aHJmeFUwZi80bHNBUmw0ZFhPV0Jldz09 Meeting ID: 860 5778 4183 Passcode: 154891   Join by Phone: 888 788 0099 US Toll-free 877 853 5247 US Toll-free Meeting ID: 860 5778 4183 Passcode: 154891

Capital Planning

Zoom Telephonic

Click Here to View Agenda:   Join Zoom Meeting: https://glwater.zoom.us/j/86836745972?pwd=VWVnSEEwVE1VTWFiaitkR2gyZGFsQT09 Meeting ID: 868 3674 5972 Passcode: 059269   Join by Phone: 877 853 5247 US Toll-free 888 788 0099 US Toll-free Meeting ID: 868 3674 5972 Passcode: 059269

Operations and Resources

Zoom Telephonic

Click Here to View Agenda:   Join Zoom Meeting: https://glwater.zoom.us/j/87428985640?pwd=UldRaEU3RlFjeDZiZzhOVVN5WXo5Zz09 Meeting ID: 874 2898 5640 Passcode: 428698   Join by Phone: 877 853 5247 US Toll-free 888 788 0099 US Toll-free Meeting ID: 874 2898 5640 Passcode: 428698

Board of Directors Workshop

Zoom Telephonic

Click Here to View Agenda:   Join Zoom Meeting: https://glwater.zoom.us/j/86230300770?pwd=VDZ4NjAzbHB5SGFCQzR2ZUVObjZQdz09 Meeting ID: 862 3030 0770 Passcode: 210659   Join by Phone: 877 853 5247 US Toll-free 888 788 0099 US Toll-free Meeting ID: 862 3030 0770 Passcode: 210659  

Legal Committee

Zoom Telephonic

Click Here to View Agenda:   Join Zoom Meeting: https://glwater.zoom.us/j/81434940890?pwd=ejZ4Z0VJVlp0SmlaMTV5ZWNGZU11QT09 Meeting ID: 814 3494 0890 Passcode: 975624   Join by Phone: 877 853 5247 US Toll-free 888 788 0099 US Toll-free Meeting ID: 814 3494 0890 Passcode: 975624

Audit Committee

Zoom Telephonic

Click Here to View Agenda:   Join Zoom Meeting: https://glwater.zoom.us/j/83753616622?pwd=Mkd3L04rUU5uVGc0aG5QREJ6azFqUT09 Meeting ID: 837 5361 6622 Passcode: 957647   Join by Phone: 877 853 5247 US Toll-free 888 788 0099 US Toll-free Meeting ID: 837 5361 6622 Passcode: 957647

Operations and Resources

Zoom Telephonic

Click Here to View Agenda:   Join Zoom Meeting: https://glwater.zoom.us/j/88151488653?pwd=RzlIeGgxOWVmQjcyalpYaXh5K1Jjdz09 Meeting ID: 881 5148 8653 Passcode: 381858   Join by Phone: 888 788 0099 US Toll-free 877 853 5247 US Toll-free Meeting ID: 881 5148 8653 Passcode: 381858

Board of Directors Workshop

Zoom Telephonic

Click Here to View Agenda:   Join Zoom Meeting: https://glwater.zoom.us/j/86748825822?pwd=SVdjWnpJRHZkc0owcjJOWVlHbmFTQT09 Meeting ID: 867 4882 5822 Passcode: 312984   Join by Phone: 877 853 5247 US Toll-free 888 788 0099 US Toll-free Meeting ID: 867 4882 5822 Passcode: 312984

Capital Planning

Zoom Telephonic

Click Here to View Agenda:   Join Zoom Meeting: https://glwater.zoom.us/j/83291804411?pwd=Q3pCUVpkdC9ubEt3eVc1RTFTQlVIdz09 Meeting ID: 832 9180 4411 Passcode: 654429   Join by Phone: 888 788 0099 US Toll-free 877 853 5247 US Toll-free Meeting ID: 832 9180 4411 Passcode: 654429