Media Storm Alert on Behalf of the Great Lakes Water Authority

GLWA Chief Operating Officer, Wastewater Operating Services, Navid Mehram: 


SEVERE WEATHER ALERT: The Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA) wants to alert the community, especially those in in low lying areas and those who have previously received flooding, that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is predicting severe storms and excessive rainfall through Thursday morning. According to NOAA, storm total rainfall is expected to average around one inch in less than a 24-hour period, with higher local amounts of rainfall rates that may produce more than two inches in less than two hours. Please see their forecast here.

The regional system is working as designed. It is currently in dry weather conditions and has capacity to handle the expected flows into the system. In anticipation of the severe weather, GLWA has staffed accordingly.

Given the NOAA prediction and the fact that there have been three 1-in-1,000-year rain events in the Lower 48 states in roughly the last week, GLWA is asking residents in low-lying areas that are prone to flooding during heavy rainfall to remain vigilant and out of an abundance of caution, to remove items of value from their basements.