GLWA Statement on Lead and Copper Sampling Results

Communities in Michigan began conducting their first rounds of testing in 2019 using a new sampling protocol adopted in Michigan’s revised Lead and Copper Rule. Samples from several municipal water systems show lead levels exceeding revised state standards.

It is important to note that the Great Lakes Water Authority, provider of water treatment for 112 municipalities in southeast Michigan, continues to have water of unquestionable quality, and that there is no lead in the water that the Authority distributes throughout southeast Michigan. GLWA remains committed to achieving and surpassing all regulatory standards. Further, GLWA tests its water multiple times each day, significantly exceeding state and federal testing requirements.

Michigan’s new Lead and Copper Rule, adopted in 2018, requires that cities take and test more water samples—and sample more high-risk homes with lead service lines. This, coupled with new sampling procedures, is driving exceedances.