Freud Sanitary Pump Station

The purpose of the Freud Pump Station Improvements Project is to improve operability, reliability, integrity, and maintainability of the station over the life of the facility. The Freud Pump Station is critical for successful conveyance of dry and wet weather flow from the eastern portion of the regional system.

Primary scope items include rehabilitation of the eight storm pumps and construction of a new sanitary pump station approximately 1.5 blocks east of the existing pump station. The improvements to the existing pump station include replacement of the pump rotating assemblies, line shafts, and concrete pump supports, installing new dewatering pumps with an approximate 10.8 million gallons per day (MGD) capacity, and providing dedicated access to the station wet well to allow for draining, cleaning, inspections, and maintenance.

The proposed project will improve the reliability of the station in both dry and wet weather conditions. It will reduce the risk of system surcharging and combined sewage backups. The Freud Station will improve water quality during storm events by reliably conveying flow to the Conner Creek CSO Facility for treatment prior to discharge into the Detroit River.

Single Resource Download

Freud Sanitary Pump Station Overview Map

Single Resource Download

Freud Sanitary Pump Station Landscape Site Plan

Frequently Asked Questions

There is a small window along Freud St between Tennessee St and Algonquin St where the Ashland Relief Sewer and Fox Creek Relief Sewer run in parallel. This window provides GLWA the opportunity to construct one station that can service both sewers rather than needing to construct two separate stations.

We do not currently anticipate the need to acquire any additional properties.

GLWA and its contractors will maximize time each day to accomplish the work as efficiently and safely as possible. Crews are expected to be working from 7:00 AM until 5:00 PM, Monday-Friday.

GLWA’s construction and engineering team will use abatement and dust control techniques, such as misting, when demolition of existing structures occurs. While we are excavating the site for construction, there will be routine dust control measures, such as water trucks and road sweepers, used to control dust on-site and the access roads to and from the site. The contractor will keep the roads clean during all phases of the work.

Residential water services should not be disrupted by the construction.

Freud Sanitary Pump Station FAQs

Click here to read the full Frequently Asked Questions document.

Meetings & Community Events

August 31, 2023 – Flood Mitigation Efforts with DWSD – DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION

February 24, 2024 – Water Resiliency Town Hall – DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION

March 18, 2024 – Community Leader Discussion – DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION

March 19, 2024 – District 4 Meeting – DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION

April 9, 2024 – Community Engagement Event at Immanuel Grace Church – DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION

May 6, 2024 – Public Health and Safety Committee Meeting – DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION

May 20, 2024 – District 4 Meeting – DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION

June 26, 2024 – Community Engagement and Design Review at East Lake Baptist Church, 5:30pm

July 31, 2024 – Community Engagement Event at East Lake Baptist Church, 5:30pm

Contact GLWA


Connect with the Freud Sanitary Pump Station Project Manager